Testing Perfs

This new dataset aims at recording performance tests runs and facilitate their analysis.

It will receive (usually from your CI/CD platform) test runs status and ZenCrepes will then display this data in context.

This dataset has been designed around identifying load breaking points ("How much can I load my system before it starts erroring out?"). A single performance test report is therefore composed of multiple runs, each with a different user count. The target run platform is Apache JMeter

The payload for a testing perf event is as follow:

"name": "Name of the run",
"rampUp": 30,
"startedAt": "2021-10-01T18:30:01.001Z",
"duration": 1200,
// Repository containing the testing codebase
"repository": {
"name": "perf",
"url": "https://github.com/zencrepes/perf",
"owner": {
"login": "zencrepes",
"url": "https://github.com/zencrepes"
// The platform where the tests were executed
"platform": {
"vendor": "AWS",
"tenant": "zencrepes",
"region": "us-east-2"
// The various resources used to run the tests
"resources": [{
"name": "elasticsearch",
"size": "t2.medium",
"image": "docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.10.2"
}, {
"name": "jmeter",
"size": "t2.medium",
"image": "jahia/jcustomer-perf:latest"
// An array of runs
"runs": [{
"name": "200 Users - RampUp 30",
"userCount": 200,
// Direct output (as-is) of the statistics.json file generated
// by JMeter. Note that a "Total" transaction is needed
// for zencrepes UI/API (displayed by default)
// The statistics object will be converted into an array by zqueue
"statistics": {
"Transaction A" : {
"transaction" : "Transaction A",
"sampleCount" : 800,
"errorCount" : 0,
"errorPct" : 0.0,
"meanResTime" : 481.8874999999999,
"medianResTime" : 406.5,
"minResTime" : 25.0,
"maxResTime" : 1566.0,
"pct1ResTime" : 1165.2999999999997,
"pct2ResTime" : 1319.6999999999996,
"pct3ResTime" : 1478.97,
"throughput" : 15.843152787404692,
"receivedKBytesPerSec" : 21.05715912466581,
"sentKBytesPerSec" : 86.78148826616497
"Total" : {
"transaction" : "Total",
"sampleCount" : 6800,
"errorCount" : 0,
"errorPct" : 0.0,
"meanResTime" : 307.7454411764701,
"medianResTime" : 183.0,
"minResTime" : 4.0,
"maxResTime" : 1582.0,
"pct1ResTime" : 735.9000000000005,
"pct2ResTime" : 947.8999999999996,
"pct3ResTime" : 1382.9799999999996,
"throughput" : 124.91045022869635,
"receivedKBytesPerSec" : 133.73347060471355,
"sentKBytesPerSec" : 428.5975472547255
}, {
"name": "300 Users - RampUp 30",
"rampUp": 30,
"userCount": 300,
"statistics": {
"Transaction A" : {
"transaction" : "Transaction A",
"sampleCount" : 1200,
"errorCount" : 0,
"errorPct" : 0.0,
"meanResTime" : 746.6841666666661,
"medianResTime" : 694.0,
"minResTime" : 24.0,
"maxResTime" : 1790.0,
"pct1ResTime" : 1541.6000000000004,
"pct2ResTime" : 1665.95,
"pct3ResTime" : 1740.97,
"throughput" : 20.96655833944858,
"receivedKBytesPerSec" : 27.86668544920851,
"sentKBytesPerSec" : 114.84514231051473
"Total" : {
"transaction" : "Total",
"sampleCount" : 10200,
"errorCount" : 0,
"errorPct" : 0.0,
"meanResTime" : 476.80019607842905,
"medianResTime" : 331.0,
"minResTime" : 3.0,
"maxResTime" : 1822.0,
"pct1ResTime" : 1187.0,
"pct2ResTime" : 1414.0,
"pct3ResTime" : 1700.0,
"throughput" : 168.2446475109689,
"receivedKBytesPerSec" : 180.13233802329034,
"sentKBytesPerSec" : 577.2875138142051
"url": "An URL back to the execution platform",