- Bulk data fetching
- Query-based (which can be edited / saved / opened), implements SQON
- Facet based navigation
- Click-to-filter on most charts/elements
- TSV Export
- Support for Authentication/Authorization through Keycloak
- Issues created and closed by week
- How long closed issues have been opened for
- How long open issues have been opened for
- Display for each week, issues closed by Author / Assignee / Label / Repository / Milestone / Project / Repository / Organization)
- Completion status
- Burndown
- Team velocity
- Completion forecast using moving average (1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 12 weeks)
- Network/graph view (visualize links between issues & PRs)
- List issues
- Bulk add/remove label
- Bulk transfer
- Labels created by week
- List labels
- Bulk add/edit/remove
- Milestones created by week
- List milestones
- Support org-level and repo-level projects
- Project created by week
- List projects
Pull Requests (PRs)#
- PRs created/closed by week
- How long closed PRs have been opened for
- How long open PRs have been opened for
- Display for each week, PRs closed by Author / Assignee / Label / Repository / Milestone / Project / Repository / Organization)
- List PRs
- Releases created by week
- List milestones
- Repositories created by week
- Identify the most/least actives repos through:
- last received commits
- issues count
- PRs count
- releases count
- milestones count
- projects counts
- number of commits to master
- number of watchers
- number of stargazers
- Vulnerability alerts
- List repos
- New Vulnerabilities by week
- Duration the vulnerability has been active for
- List milestones
Watchers & Stargazers#
- Releases created by week
- Starred activity
- Companies
- User Organizations
- List Watchers and Stargazers
- Bulk import issues using GitHub bulk import API
Environment variables#
- List environment variables
- Sucessful/failed runs by day
- Credits spent each week
- Average run time each week
- Credits spent: per job, per workflow, per repository, per organization
- Average job duration: per job, per workflow, per repository, per organization
- List runs
- Triggered pipelines per week
- List pipelines
Jira Issues#
- Closed/created issues per week
- List issues
- Fetch remote links
- Export issues for GitHub import
- Matrix of closed issue per week and by project, reporter, asisgnee, ...
Bamboo Runs#
- Total number of tests executed per week
- Failure rate per week
- Failure rate per plan over the last 12 days (daily), 12 weeks (weekly) and 12 months (monthly)